Providing Insurance solutions for Construction projects and Property Owners, Heathwoods understands issues that can prejudice your client’s ability to obtain a mortgage. One of those is title deed defects/risks, including:
- Rights to light
- Breach of planning/building regulations/listed buildings consent indemnity
- Restrictive covenants
- Defects in title, including loss of deeds
- Possessory title
- Lack of adequate access and/or services
- Deed of gift/transactions at undervalue (Insolvency Act 1986)
- Easements
- Judicial review and other planning and building regulation issues
- Search indemnities
- Breach of warranty (portfolio sales)
- Chancel repair
- Trust & probate i.e. missing beneficiary
- Lost documents i.e. lost share certificate
- Leasehold problems
- Flying freehold
- Bespoke wordings
- Other niche products are available upon request.
Heathwoods works with conveyancers and solicitors involved in property-based transactions. Legal indemnity insurance covers the buyer and the mortgage lender in the event of any loss of value on the property as a result of the defect. The indemnity policy doesn’t actually remedy the defect – it just provides financial compensation in the event of the defect causing a loss.
We can arrange cover with limits in excess of £200m so we can accommodate all sizes of contract and risk type. Whether the problem be straightforward or a complex matter affecting a property transaction, you can expect a swift turnaround and solution.
Related insurance products:
- Title Deed indemnity
- Residential Legal indemnity
- Directors and Officers insurance
- Developer insolvency cover
- Public/ Employers Liability